Agerer, Reinhard
Agerer, Reinhard
Department für Biologie, Systematische Botanik und Mykologie,
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität - München
GeoBio-Center, Zentrum für Geobiologie und Biodiversitätsforschung
an der Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversität München
Agerer R[einhard].:
Studies on ectomycorrhizae 5-59.
(Nova Hedwiga, 44-55.) - 1987-1995
Jakucs E[rzsébet]. - Agerer R[einhard]. - Bratek Z[oltán].:
"Quercirhiza fibulocystidiata" + Quercus spp.
(Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae, 2: 67-72. oldal) - 1997
Jakucs E[rzsébet]. - Bratek Z[oltán]. - Agerer R[einhard].:
Genea verrucosa Vitt. + Quercus robur L.
(Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae, 3: 19-23. oldal) - 1998
Jakucs E[rzsébet]. - Bratek Z[oltán]. - Agerer R[einhard].:
Rhizopogon vulgaris var. intermedius Svrcek+ Pinus nigra Arn.
(Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae, 3: 111-116. oldal) - 1998
Jakucs E[rzsébet]. - Agerer R[einhard].:
Scleroderma bovista Fr. + Populus alba L.
(Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae, 4: 121-126. oldal) - 1999
Jakucs E[rzsébet]. - Agerer R[einhard].:
Tomentellapilosa (Burt.) Bourdot & Galzin + Populus alba L.
(Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae, 4: 121-126. oldal) - 1999
Agerer R[einhard].:
Exploration types of ectomycorrhizae. A proposal to classify ectomycorrhizal mycelial systems according to their patterns of differentiation and putative ecological importance
(Mycorrhiza 11:107-114. oldal) - 2001
Jakucs E[rzsébet]. - Agerer R[einhard].:
Tomentellapilosa (Burt.) Bourdot & Galzin + Populus alba L.
(Descriptions of Ectomycorrhizae, 5: 213-219. oldal) - 2001
Köljalg U. - Jakucs E[rzsébet]. - Bóka K[ároly]. - Agerer R[einhard].:
Three ectomycorrhizae with cystidia formed by different Tomentella species as revealed by rDNA ITS sequences and anatomical characteristics
(Folia Cryptog. Estonica, 38: 27-39. oldal) - 2001
Agerer R[einhard].:
Classification of Fungi in modern view
(view. Mycoses. 46: Suppl. l. 2-14. oldal) - 2003
Jakucs E[rzsébet]. - Kovács M. G. - Agerer R[einhard]. - Romsics Cs. - Erős-Honti Zs[olt].:
Morphological-anatomical characterization and molecular identification of Tomentella stuposa ectomycorrhizae and related anatomotypes
(Mycorrhiza 15: 247-258. oldal) - 2005
Agerer R[einhard].:
Diversity of ectomycorrhizae as seen from below and above ground: the exploration types
(Z. Mykol. 73: 61-88. oldal) - 2007
Agerer, Reinhard:
Az ektomikorrhizák térfoglalása és ennek következményei
Space occupation by ectomycorrhizae and the consequences
(Mikológiai Közlemények - Clusiana, 51. évf., 1. szám, 11-12. oldal) - 2012
Agerer R[einhard].:
Exploration and exploitation strategies of ectomycorrhizal fungi
(Nova Acta Leopoldina) - 2012